Keeping Up with Amanda.

Name: Amanda

Interests: Her friends, animals and basketball 

Diagnosis: Leukemia (AML)

Cap Hero: Kim Kardashian West

Cancer can strike anyone but why does it always seem to be the nicest kids? Amanda, who always has a positive attitude on life, spent her 16th birthday in the hospital getting treatment for leukemia. The cap, signed by Kim Kardashian West, brightened her day. 

During treatment, Amanda watches episodes of the Kardashians. Their silly problems give her an escape from her current situation. For Amanda, the cap is “a little positive in a very negative situation. It’s nice to know that people care.”

And we do care, Amanda…Kris, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie and Caps for Kids.

“We’re very thankful for the smile and pure joy the cap brought Amanda that day!” – Amanda’s mom

Jamie O'Berry