May the Force be with Luke from Virginia.

Name: Luke

Interests: Star Wars everything, collecting sports cards, comic books, golf

Diagnosis: Lymphoblastic Lymphoma NH

Cap Hero: Mark Hamill

While Luke wasn’t named after Luke Skywalker, he could have been. While he’s always been a fan, Star Wars has been an escape for this young man all through his treatment. His family tells us that Mark Hamill’s acting and voiceover work have always given Luke a lot of joy, and that the cap signed by Hamill was “an immense boost at a tough time.”

Luke has remained highly positive and very engaging through it all and we wish him the best. When bad things happen to us, we learn from them. As Yoda said, “In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.” 

 “Knowing Mark took the time to support our son means the world to us. Nothing else could give our son that smile that the hat did.”  Luke’s mom

Jamie O'Berry