Our Spidey-Sense Told Us Noah Needed a Cap.

Name: Noah

Interests: Video games, swimming, playing with his sister, Play-Doh, board games, food reviews

Diagnosis: B-Cell (ALL) Leukemia

Cap Hero: Spider-Man

Six-year-old Noah from Florida is outgoing and funny. More importantly, he’s kind, friendly and loving. An avid Spider-Man fan, Noah has been battling Leukemia since January 2021. 

While his mother often tells him, “You are brave, you are strong, you are fearless, you are never alone,” Noah probably thinks that having Spider-Man’s enhanced strength, stamina and healing abilities would come in handy right about now. At any rate, we hope his Spidey cap helps him get through these tough times just a little bit easier.

 “Noah loves his cap. It makes him feel like a Superhero himself.”  Noah’s mom

Jamie O'Berry