Say Hello to Zhoie, Her Family’s North Star.

Name: Zhoie

Interests: Drawing/sketching/painting, arts & crafts, playing Nintendo Switch, swimming

Diagnosis: Ewing’s Sarcoma, Cystic Fibrosis

Cap Hero: Alex Hirsch

Ten-year-old Zhoie from Indiana “absolutely loves” her cap signed by Alex Hirsch, the creator/writer/voiceover actor/animator/producer of her favorite TV show Gravity Falls on the Disney Channel. It’s her first celebrity signature and the fact that Alex signed it personally for her make this creative, kind, and sometimes silly girl feel special.

The name Zhoie is of African origin and means “full of energy.” Zhoie needs all the energy she can get to fight Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare type of cancer that occurs in bones or in the soft tissue around the bones. Still, she manages to stay confident. Her mother said, Zhoie is our beautiful brave bald warrior. We are very proud of her. Every day she gets up and takes on the world and doesn’t let anything stop her or get in her way. She’s our North Star. “

“Stay curious, stay weird, stay kind and don't let anyone ever tell you you aren't smart or brave or worthy enough.” – Alex Hirsch

Jamie O'Berry